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About Us

CROOKWELL Early Learning is a progressive, educational, inspiring and supportive educational and care service focused on the holistic learning and development of children. Crookwell Early Learning will provide a secure and compassionate environment to enhance awareness of your child’s inner strengths, esteem as individuals, dignity and autonomy, self-confidence and enthusiasm for learning.


"We are looking forward in providing a high quality Education and Care Service in our local community to support all families and children. We will endeavour to present learning environments which are enchanting and inviting for each child and their family."

At Crookwell  Early Learning  we aspire to provide a safe, respectful and compassionate environment that is supportive towards children’s social, emotional and cognitive development. All children are treated equally and are respected as individuals. Our team encourages and supports children’s individual needs to learn and participate at their own pace through positive interaction and communication.


Providing appropriate learning experiences while embracing the value of play is at the heart of Crookwell Early Learning.

It isn’t what a child plays that is important – it is how they play and what they think and feel at the time that matters.

All children’s experience are recognised and valued. Cultural diversity is a significantly consideration in the development of programs, with emphasis on children’s social, emotional, creative, intellectual and physical development.


We believe in working together- At Crookwell Early Learning we encourage parental input and value speaking with families regarding their needs and interests. Not only is it important for us to foster effective communication with families but through valuing a child’s language, interaction styles and ways of communicating we are able to promote feelings of belonging and assurance.


Crookwell Early Learning provides the following list of Educational and Care Services:

  • Discovery Room (0-3 years) Program

  • Preschool Room (3-5 years) Program

  • Occasional Care and Extra days  (0-5 years)

  • Before and After School Care (6-12 years)

  • Vacation Care (6-12 years)


Crookwell Early Learning is a fully accredited and approved for Child Care Subsidy which for eligible families reduce the childcare fees.

Families are welcome to come and have a look at our centre anytime.


Our Centre philosophy reflects our values and beliefs-


See the Centre Philosophy Below--

Crookwell Early Learning

© 2017 Crookwell Early Learning

  • ELC
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